Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Should I stay or should I go?!

No painting what so ever was done yesterday. I had made plans with a very very old friend of mine to meet up in town and after working 12 hours straight I thought to myself, "Should I stay or should I go". Kinda fitting with a Clash title as it was Punk night at the Malmö Festival. Catching up was great and being 3 years since our last hook up I think we both realised we should make it a bit more frequent.

Thomas in all his Danish glory! ;)
After trying some of the food around town, the first band we wanted to see was Boysetsfire.
After that we headed off to see No Use For A Name.
When they say, "We are now going to play a really old song" and it so happens to be one of my all time favorites back in the day when I myself was playing gigs with bands like this I felt....oooooolllldddd. :P
Here's a little clip from their song "Justified Black eye"

Last but not least we headed off to the main stage to watch NOFX. For people who's never been to any of their shows or don't know what they're about I'm sure they insulted and pissed off enough people last night. :D
Finishing off this post, here's a clip from NOFX - Dinosaurs Will Die

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Dread Knight Vs. Brush Round 1.

1-0 to the Dread Knight. It completely molested that poor paint brush. Maybe Lund will take pity on me a donate me a new brush *hint hint wink wink*
Here are some quick progress shots I took. The first, covered in boltgun metal and the 2nd with a wash of black to add a little depth to it. So far pretty crap but there is so much more to do so I'm not that worried.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

No rest for the wicked...

Next commision piece is for the local GW store in Lund. I've never painted a single mini for 40k and boy do they have work cut out for me....Not only is it 40k but its the beast of a model, the Dread Knight. Voices in my head whisper to me, "be afraid, be very afraid" and boy I sure am. It came glued and assembled so getting that brush inside all those tight crevaces will be really tricky....There will commence a battle of the brave between my brush and the knight...I think blood and tears will be on the menu throughout this project. ;)
Here's a shot of the b**tard primered. *EDIT: wrong photo, no primer here*

No introduction needed

By now you all know what I've been keeping myself busy with so without any further ado, here are the final shots of the Chaos lord on Manticore for Playoteket Malmö. You can see it on display at their shop from tomorrow some time after lunch. If anyone in the neighborhood ever wants to hook up on Playotekets paint/gaming nights then just send me a pm, the more the merrier I say. :D

With that said, I hope you all like it. It should pass as tabletop quality. :)

Manticore 100% Complete - Teaser

Death Comes Ripping!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A BIG thank you!

Thank you everyone thats paid so much attention to my blog lately. I'm particular happy about the audience being so international which makes me feel good about sticking to doing the blog in English. You're all terrible at commenting though *grrr*. Not that I necessarily want or need feedback but it'd be great getting to know you all. ;)
Traffic yesterday! ^^

Chaos Lord Stage 1

Made some solid progress on the Chaos Lord last night and I'm hoping to get alot more done today once I get off work. My thoughts were to get this project wrapped up so that I could bring in the model to Playoteket on Friday. I used a bright mithril silver on all metal and plan to add layer upon layer to eventually get a dark rusted look to him. As you can see he doesnt have a mask/face either. Per request from Playoteket they did not want to add one. :)
ooh, so shiny!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Step by step WIP - Chaos Manticore (courtesy Playoteket Malmö).

Well Alright then. To save you all from a 3 page long post I decided to make incremental posts of the work in progress of the Chaos Manticore. It's not quite done as of yet as I'd like to tweak and micro fix a few details as well as varnish it with both matt and glossy varnish. Note also that the Character and basing is not shown. Ok, here we go....

I started by painting the entire model white followed by 2 coats of Leviathan Purple ink.
To bring depth to the shading I later added 2 coats of Devlan Mud. It also helps to neutralize the purple and browns are a great way to give an area a leathery touch to it.
To deepen the shading further I added 2 coats of Badab Black. Worst part about all this inking is the time it takes to dry inbetween all these washes... :S Ok admittedly I went crazy with all the inking but I don't know any shortcuts for bringing diversity into the skin color I was going for. The time imo paid off though, alot is happening in the color shift (patience is a virtue I hear).
Now it's time to build up layers of highlights. I wanted this Manticore to be a bit greyish gargoyle(y) with hints of a subtle leathery purple underlaying the surface. I probably spent an hour or two googling manticore pictures but there really wasn't ANYTHING that caught my attention and tbh I'm tired of seeing the same old reference pictures of a pea soup colored Manticore drawn back in the 70's. I went with my gut instinct and if questions at any point were to be raised I'd just defend it with a, "Hey It's Chaos! It's not supposed to make sense!" ;)
I didn't have any greys laying about that I liked and this is where living with an artist comes in handy. I used her professional acrylics which I've been hogging more and more lately. I used Titanium White, Lamp Black, Burnt Umber, and a touch of Cobalt Blue to get the color I was looking for.
 Heres the result. I used a simple but effective drybrushing technique though I'd like to use the words "dusting" or "powdering" as there really is nothing left in the brush except pigment by the time I'm done drying the brush on high obsorbant paper before adding it to the model. :)
Let's leave the skin for now and have a look at the mane and fur areas. Again I didn't want anything crazy or too bright. I've seen some versions of this model floating about on the internet and don't get me wrong because they're all professionally painted but I swear to god they must have been smoking crack when they picked colors. some just look like clowns. I wanted a color to bring a little contrast to the rest of the colorscheme and I pretty early on excluded black or white thinking it would be too dull. I finally settled for a green. I used a green called Hooker's Green.
Now lets tone that down a little so that it doesn't look like a green street signal at an intersection. I inked another layer of Hookers Green followed by a Denab Black wash and finalised with drybrushing a mix of Lamp Black, Titanium White and Hookers Green.
I was going to do all the horns and nails a Bleached Bone tone but quickly abandoned the idea after having done a little test area on his hand as shown in the picture previously. Here you see a much more symbiotic result, black...I also spent a great deal of time adding layer upon layer of Devlan Mud in all the concave areas of the wings as I wanted a substantial shading difference here.
One would think it's time to work the streets with what only can resemble cheap lipstick. The gums and tongue were first cleaned up with white followed by a pale pink and later a watered down gore red.I also did the eyes at this point. First painting the eyeballs white, then bright yellow, and finally adding black irises. Since the Manticore is standing on it's hind legs I wanted to paint the eyes as though he's looking down with a crazy rabid glare.
Staying on topic and the mouth, I washed down the red with a few layers black and mud. I then took care of the teeth with first applying a bleached bone, washing them with mud and finally drybrushing a scarce layer of white ontop of the tips. I then moved on to drybrush and ink all the horns and claws with whites, greys, and blacks to make a blended transition. At this stage I was also done with the shading and highlights of the wings. several more coats mudin the concave areas, drybrushed greys in the convex areas and finally to blend it all together, 3 washes of leviathan purple. You can see on some pictures that som areas are almost a light pinkish purple. I used a "rubbing technique on the body. Basically I just rub and rub and rub until the underlaying colors come forth to further make the skin just that little bit extra "alive".
I apologize in advance for the quality of the photos as all are taken with a phone while working. Finally I'd like to express my thanks to everyone that's taken their time to read this quick tutorial and you should now all run off and buy this model. Don't be intimidated by the model, with easy painting techniques and patience anyone can get these results, I'm living proof of it! :P I do admittedly suck at landscaping and should hunt down the guy at Utopia for some pointers as I really like the things I've seen from him so far at Playoteket. It is without a doubt the most fun piece I've done in a long time and with that I'll leave you all with a few final "semi" finished shots. :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Lunch at Games Workshop (Playoteket)

Well lunches can be quite stressfull when one has errands driving back and forth to several locations. For those who don't already know, Malmö has a great Games Workshop where they have a great assortment of paints, figures and the like and after closing hours they have activities for all age groups. I headed off their way today to part with my Skaven army that I've painted so far (theres alot to wish for and even more left to paint) but I still wanted to share my passion for painting and hopefully get more people hooked on the art. The fellas working there are always really friendly and helpful and in no time they started adding my collection to their glass display case. I think they mentioned adding proper landscape to the section as well to give the whole thing a little more realisitc feel and I can't wait to go have a look at it when its set up. I couldnt resist the urge of taking a few quick shots of it  for now though with my Iphone so bear with me with the picture quality (I'm sure I'll get better ones in the future). I was also handed the latest Storms of Magic Chaos Lord on Manticore yesterday which I will be painting for them and I've added a few "work in progress" shots for you below. obviously the poor thing looks really funky and disco right now since he's so so purple but the idea is to keep washing several layers so that it eventually comes out "blackish" with a subtle hint of purple in it's skin to add depth to the colors. We will see...I'm a bit intimidated as I've never painted anything for GW before. :P

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Doomwheel

Another day, another paint project done. This time I focused on the Doomwheel and weathering effects on metal like rust and oxidized copper. Some might think that the weathering effect is too heavy but Skaven aren't known to pull into garages to conduct maintenance on their warmachines or hose them down to remove the blood guts and mud from their past battlefield fights. So this is how it turned out, feedback is always appreciated. :)

This is what the poor thing looks like assembled unpainted ( stole this from this blog: http://wannabpainter.blogspot.com/)

And here are my pictures of the finished, painted version:

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Frenzied Clan Rats

The bulk of any Skaven army consists of hordes of Clan Rats. One of many projects I'm painting at this time is 80 of these clan rats alongside the DoomWheel (more on that project later).
The feel I was going for with these clan rats were to give them a hateful and frenzied look from an unhealthy addiction to crunching warpstone. To add to this theme I painted the eyes a glowy green along with bloodied weapons and gut drenched mouths from devouring their unfortunate enemies on the battlefield (most likely a midget, aka dorf's in the Warhammer world). I've used colors sparingly and set the tones to dark shades to emphasize on the blood and glowing eyes.

These little fellas are good fun to paint but with 3 down and another 77 to go I'm sure I'll be mumbling words of explicit content by the time I'm there since they do take approximatly an evening to paint each.

The Hell Pit Abomination

I have this cute little thing living with me and she just won't stop busting my chops about updating this cobweb infested blog that does admittedly deserve alot more attention... ^^

I have been keeping busy with my paintings but just haven't gotten around to taking pictures I liked so here we go.

The Hell Pit Abomination. This beast of a model took ages to finish, mostly due to really really bad spray primer that was chunky/grainy and decided to stop cooperating half way into the job. The model did get excessive amounts of primer and it also ended up giving the entire model a grainy sandpaper feel to it. Not what I was wishing for.

Monday, June 27, 2011

There we go...

Well the kids have packed their gear and headed off to braver ventures which leaves me a few extra minutes to post those other photo's I took of the Plague Furnace earlier today. Without further ado....enjoy ^^